Blox 2 is a Visual Scripting solution for the Unity game engine.

It allows you to add behaviour to objects via a drag-and-drop interface with interconnecting Blocks (actions) that responds on Events while the object is in a specific State.
Some features

- Unity 4.6 and Unity 5.1+ supported
- Build-in State machine
- Event based system
- Blocks for most of Unity's runtime
- Ability to automatically create Block definitions for 3rd party APIs
- Even the functions from your own scripts can automatically turn into Blocks
- There is also an API for programming new Events and Blocks for more control over them
- Blocks for the Basic System and common Unity types
- Blocks for Flow control via conditions and loops
- Blocks for Maths operations, and String manipulation
- Blocks for Arrays and Lists manipulation
- Support yield instructions like WaitForSeconds
- Easily add data variable to your Project or Object via Variables in the Inspector
- Variables Global to Project, Local to Object, and Temporary to Event are supported
- Blox runtime API executes Events and Blocks
- but experimental C# script generator included
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